Thursday, October 27, 2011
[提要] 10月28日,日本政府的原子能委员会专门小组公布了有关福岛第一核电站报废过程中面临的中长期课题的报告草案,其中预测报废工作需要30年以上的时间。 中新社东京10月28日电(记者 孙冉)10月28日,日本政府的原 ... 日本称福岛第一核电站报废工作需花30年
تأكيد وجود طن من غاز الخردل في ليبيا
أكد الخبير الليبي في الأسلحة الكيميائية العميد سعد القماطي أن بلاده مازالت تمتلك طناً من غاز الخردل السام الذي تم تصنيعه أثناء حكم الزعيم الراحل معمر القذافي ومازالت مخزنة في إحدى المناطق الصحراوية بمنطقة الواغا جنوبي الجفرة. ... تأكيد وجود طن من غاز الخردل في ليبيا
Nanjing government released four police microblogging microblogging list the top ten selected
The country's first government microblogging list released yesterday in Nanjing, Nanjing Administration microblogging 74 eligible, commissioned by the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department of the Ministry of Sina microblogging ranked, "Nanjing release" won the championship. Much users love the white police under the "Tom Cat" is not in the top ten, broke a major upset. ...Nanjing government released four police microblogging microblogging list the top ten selected
泰和新材“芳纶”助力 向特纤龙头迈进
公司是我国高端纤维制造的龙头企业,在国内率先实现了氨纶纤维,间位芳纶纤维和对位芳纶纤维的产业化。在氨纶行业普遍不景气的情况下,芳纶业务有望成为新的增长爆发点。看点一:国际对位芳纶企业景气度高。目前美国杜 ... 泰和新材"芳纶"助力 向特纤龙头迈进
Edison: in 9 mesi perdita 93 mln (+179 mln 9 mesi 2010)
MILANO (MF-DJ)--Edison nei primi nove mesi dell'anno ha registrato una perdita di 93 mln di euro contro un utile di 179 mln nello stesso periodo dello scorso anno. I ricavi, si legge in una nota, ammontano a 8591 mld (+13,1 a/a), l'Ebitda a 717 mln ... Edison: in 9 mesi perdita 93 mln (+179 mln 9 mesi 2010)
Chung allegedly accused tupyoil campaign
Asian economies baegyeonghwan News] Dong, 10.26 Election Commission on July 28 on the day of the election campaign, Mayor of Seoul Chung on charges of leading Democrats accused the committee. According to the information of the voting members of the NEC best holiday '10 times over the past 26 days on Twitter!! ', '7' Let's! I really flared. ...Chung allegedly accused tupyoil campaign
The E-list
By Glen Schaefer, The Province October 28, 2011 2:07 AM Why: Bidini first came to fame as a guitarist and songwriter for the Rheostatics some 30 years ago, but he has latterly had equal prominence for his parallel career as a novelist, sportswriter and ... The E-list
Pear plunged, Xiaoying 30 to sell pear Changhua
DPP Changhua County, a legislator Weng Jinzhu, today announced that Fengshui Pear, high-grade products then plunged into the Mei Taijin pears $ 19 cost farmers $ 25 down the drain, Su Jia served as chairman of the Council of Agriculture, there are production early warning mechanisms and Jiu Wuzhe excess acquisition mechanism, the KMT did not, regardless of the farmers live or die, Little Britain, Changhua County, the future of this month to sell 30 pear, to help farmers solve the problem.Pear plunged, Xiaoying 30 to sell pear Changhua
[군산] 군산교도소, 출소예정자 구인․구직의 날 마련
임태영 기자 군산교도소(소장 이영수)는 지난 28일 제66주년 교정의 날을 맞이해 '출소 및 가석방 예정자 구인․구직의 날' 행사를 실시했다. 이번 행사에는 아주실업 등 5개 우량 기업체와 군산 소상공인 지원센터 등 2개 유관기관이 참여했으며, 취업을 희망하는 ... [군산] 군산교도소, 출소예정자 구인․구직의 날 마련
女排世界杯临近 各队忙备战 组委会闹乌龙
新报讯【记者 孟凡强】2011年女排世界杯11月4日即将在日本打响,由于事关奥运资格,本次比赛备受各队重视。偏偏赛事组委会忙中出错,在官方媒体手册中介绍中国队队长魏秋月时,错误地刊登了一张杨婕的照片。 日前正式出 ... 女排世界杯临近 各队忙备战 组委会闹乌龙
Maximum temperature of about 28 degrees today
The northeast monsoon over southeastern China brought generally fine weather. Weather forecast, local area early today when the weather is cloudy, gradually turn sunny day. Maximum temperature of about 28 degrees. Moderate east to northeasterly wind. Looking over the weekend with sunny periods. Current temperature of 23 degrees, relative humidity. Sina News has been set up in Hong Kong Facebook Page, you immediately grasp of local, Chinese and international news, ...Maximum temperature of about 28 degrees today
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