Saturday, October 15, 2011
Handball-CL: Füchse Berlin weiter ungeschlagen
Champions-League-Neuling Füchse Berlin bleibt in der Königsklasse weiterhin ungeschlagen und hat Kurs auf das Achtelfinale genommen. Der Handball-Bundesligist setzte sich beim dänischen Vertreter Bjerringbro-Silkeborg mit 30:25 (14:14) durch und zog ... Handball-CL: Füchse Berlin weiter ungeschlagen
Israel: Víctimas y familiares de terrorismo en contra de liberación de presos
Israelíes supervivientes de ataques terroristas y familiares de las víctimas viven estos días uno de los peores momentos de sus vidas por la inminente liberación de cientos de prisioneros a los que consideran "monstruos que volverán a matar". ... Israel: Víctimas y familiares de terrorismo en contra de liberación de presos
Kenian joukot jahtasivat ääri-islamisteja Somalian puolella
Kenian joukot ylittivät sunnuntaina Somalian rajan jahdatakseen al-Shabaab-kapinallisia. Kenia syyttää kapinallisia ulkomaalaisten sieppauksista. Silminnäkijät kertoivat, että Kenian armeija siirsi rajaseudulle runsaasti joukkoja. ... Kenian joukot jahtasivat ääri-islamisteja Somalian puolella
Pitkämäki leirille Zeleznyn kanssa jo joulukuussa
Pitkämäki lähtee ME-miehen ja moninkertaisen arvokisavoittajan harjoitusryhmän kanssa ensimmäiselle yhteiselle leirille jo tammikuussa. Suuntana on Lanzarote. Seuraava pidempi yhteinen rupeama on mahdollisesti jo tammikuussa Kuortaneella. ... Pitkämäki leirille Zeleznyn kanssa jo joulukuussa
Distante dos tucanos, DEM aposta em candidatura própria em 2014
O DEM ameaça abandonar a aliança tradicional com o PSDB e lançar uma candidatura própria nas eleições presidenciais de 2014. O partido foi o maior perdedor com o surgimento do PSD do prefeito de São Paulo, Gilberto Kassab, e não vê nos dois principais ... Distante dos tucanos, DEM aposta em candidatura própria em 2014
Half Hanae Korea and South Korea "citizenship by age 22."
Film "Innocence in Asia" (directed by K. Shima ed) the first day of the 15th stage greeting, was held in Tokyo. Hanae starring Korean actress (20) "(Japanese and Korean) in half, I not supposed to decide the age of 22 nationalities. Toka relationship in a long time, I came away from you if there is it does not work The ...Half Hanae Korea and South Korea "citizenship by age 22."
中国高尔夫业余冠军赛收杆 李源维多利亚分获冠军
新浪体育讯 10月16日北京消息:在中国举办的国际界别的高尔夫业余赛事---中国房山长阳业余高尔夫球冠军赛在北京加州水军高尔夫俱乐部圆满落幕,李源交出72杆,三轮成绩222杆(74-76-72),一杆优势反超夺得男子冠军。维 ... 中国高尔夫业余冠军赛收杆 李源维多利亚分获冠军
Working women look forward to the most ancient sea-woman World Heritage list
(Central News Agency reporter Yang Pearl Tokyo October 16, 2011 Reuters) to produce pearls, ninja Mie prefecture, Japan is now known to harbor women registered as world heritage, to be held later this month "sea women summit" so that this community a better understanding of female sea item known as the world's oldest female. According to legend, female sea culture over 2,000 years, researchers have speculated from the ancient ruins, there may be 5,000 years ago sea woman. ...Working women look forward to the most ancient sea-woman World Heritage list
Dog owners could be jailed for attacks
Owners of dangerous dogs that maim or kill could face up to 10 years jail under a draft amendment to the Queensland Criminal Code. The Queensland Government has released the draft amendment to deal specifically with serious injury or death caused by ... Dog owners could be jailed for attacks
男子拨打110称欲炸重庆交通枢纽 8小时后被抓获
10月13日上午8时许,重庆警方接到天津市公安局转来的警情,一名男子在贵州拨打该局110电话,声称要在重庆重要公共交通枢纽实施爆炸。昨日,市公安局通报称,重庆警方多警联动,转战贵州,仅用8小时便在贵州省龙里县抓获 ... 男子拨打110称欲炸重庆交通枢纽 8小时后被抓获
Hangzhou Municipal Government, Municipal Political Consultative Conference held in joint consultation work
Yesterday afternoon, the work of the municipal government and municipal CPPCC held joint consultations Hangzhou economic and social development plans. Mayor Shaozhan Wei, Chairman of Municipal Political Consultative Conference Sun Zhonghuan attended the meeting. Municipal Committee, vice mayor Yang Xu standard chaired the meeting. Municipal Committee, vice mayor Shen Jian, deputy mayor of the new Ho, Gui Tong Li, ...Hangzhou Municipal Government, Municipal Political Consultative Conference held in joint consultation work
Faneuil Hall Marketplace sold for $140 million
BOSTON—A Chicago-based real estate investment trust has sold the Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston for $140 million. General Growth Properties Inc. said it also sold parts of Westlake Center in Seattle for $119 million and Riverside Plaza, ... Faneuil Hall Marketplace sold for $140 million
Po F.Ribery šou Miuncheno „Bayern“ futbolininkai 4:0 sutriuškino „Hertha ...
Vokietijos futbolo pirmenybių „Bundesliga" devintojo turo varžybose Miuncheno „Bayern" futbolininkai namuose net 4:0 patiesė Berlyno „Hertha" klubą. Tai jau 12 iš eilės Miuncheno ekipos varžybos visuose turnyruose, kai komandos vartai išlieka tušti. ... Po F.Ribery šou Miuncheno „Bayern" futbolininkai 4:0 sutriuškino „Hertha ...
Chongqing Mobile original 20-year money-making 30 million veterans
From October 19, 2010 at the airport was "double", to October 10, 2011 in Chongqing Fifth Intermediate People's Court for trial, Chongqing, China Mobile Communications Group Limited ("China Mobile Chongqing"), former party secretary of , chairman and general manager Shen Chang Fu has been detained in the detention center more than 300 days. ...Chongqing Mobile original 20-year money-making 30 million veterans
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