
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


日経平均4日ぶり反発、ギリシャ懸念後退で買い戻し [東京 4日 ロイター] 前場の東京株式市場で日経平均は4日ぶり反発。支援策受け入れの是非を問うギリシャの国民投票が見送られる方向になったほか、欧州中央銀行(ECB)の利下げがポジティブサプライズとなり、祝日前に高まっていた欧州債務懸念が後退。 ...日経平均4日ぶり反発、ギリシャ懸念後退で買い戻し

上海欢乐谷摇摆伞起火 疑因霓虹灯短路所致

上海欢乐谷摇摆伞起火 疑因霓虹灯短路所致 东方网11月4日消息:据《东方早报》报道,11月2日晚8点09分,上海欢乐谷的户外游乐设备"摇摆伞"突然起火,消防部门接到火警后及时赶到园区,半小时内将火扑灭。 园方工作人员介绍,当晚上海下雨,起火时,园内已基本没有游 ... 上海欢乐谷摇摆伞起火 疑因霓虹灯短路所致

20 قتيلا مدنيا في حمص غداة موافقة دمشق على الخطة العربية الداعية لحماية المدنيين

20 قتيلا مدنيا في حمص غداة موافقة دمشق على الخطة العربية الداعية لحماية المدنيين انشقاق مساعد أول من الطائفة العلوية عن الجيش السوري.. وقصف سيارات الإسعاف لمنع نقل الجرحى بعد يوم على موافقة دمشق على الخطة العربية التي تقضي بوقف العنف ضد المدنيين وحمايتهم، قتل نحو 20 مدينا في مدينة حمص، حيث استمر الجيش في قصف الأحياء المدنية ومهاجمة ... 20 قتيلا مدنيا في حمص غداة موافقة دمشق على الخطة العربية الداعية لحماية المدنيين

G20, climate concerns and criticisms Greek Prime Minister, announced on the consumption tax

G20, climate concerns and criticisms Greek Prime Minister, announced on the consumption tax [Cannes (South France) regions in 20 countries being held in Cannes, France [Co (G20) summit on the night of 3 (4 days early morning Japan time) to finish the day in discussions. Leaders of countries that accept the measures in disarray over the crisis situation in a comprehensive Greek national epicenter of the crisis in Europe ...G20, climate concerns and criticisms Greek Prime Minister, announced on the consumption tax


欧盟希望希腊留在欧元区 新华网法国戛纳11月3日电(记者孙闻 张欣)出席二十国集团峰会的欧盟领导人4日表示,希望希腊留在欧元区。 欧洲理事会主席范龙佩和欧盟委员会巴罗佐当天发表联合声明称,欧盟已经作好准备继续帮助希腊,前提是"希腊遵 ... 欧盟希望希腊留在欧元区

天宫与神八成功拥吻 太空经济腾飞在即

天宫与神八成功拥吻 太空经济腾飞在即 3日凌晨1时30分,"神舟八号"与 "天宫一号",在距离地面343公里的轨道上,进行了历史性的一吻。 在未来的12天时间里,"天宫一号"与"神舟八号"将携手环绕地球飞行。 这是中国航天器首次实现太空交会对接,标志着我国已经 ... 天宫与神八成功拥吻 太空经济腾飞在即

Passed the nation in school funding - a charity golf tournament in Osaka buinhoe

Passed the nation in school funding - a charity golf tournament in Osaka buinhoe Osaka Prefectural Headquarters] buinhoe (binchunhwa = 宾 春花 President) for the purpose of supporting the national school for a charity golf tournament on Oct. 28 countries was conducted at the country club of the coma. Held in the headquarters of a charity golf is 10 years. Mindan buinhoe and Mindan under the auspices of the Osaka headquarters, such as Chamber of Commerce gwangeja about ...Passed the nation in school funding - a charity golf tournament in Osaka buinhoe

Sex harassment rampant at Aussie military school

Sex harassment rampant at Aussie military school KRISTEN GELINEAU, AP Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick comments in Sydney, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011, on the Australian Human Rights Commission's Report on the Review into the Treatment of Women at the Australian Defence Force Academy ... Sex harassment rampant at Aussie military school

Yimansu director, my boss took office four SK

Yimansu director, my boss took office four SK [Universe = gimhyeonjin Daily News] 'Hulk' director SK yimansu wayibeonseu fourth coach in the past was the official inauguration. Yimansu director SK T Tower, a three-ga, Seoul, inauguration have in the club's top team will create the best said that the bold aspirations. Directed by August gimseonggeun coach this season.Yimansu director, my boss took office four SK

Tema Biogas överklagar

Tema Biogas överklagar Än är inte striden över när det gäller vem som ska få mästerskapstiteln i STCC för nu överklagar Team Biogas Svenska bilsportförbundet beslut att ge titeln till Rickard Rydell och inte till Fredrik Ekblom. Den juridiska kommittén bekräftar att man ... Tema Biogas överklagar

Une majorité de Français reste favorable à l'euro

Une majorité de Français reste favorable à l'euro Une nette majorité de Français est favorable à la monnaie unique européenne, actuellement dans la tourmente provoquée par la crise de la dette souveraine, selon un sondage BVA réalisé pour le magazine Challenges, paru jeudi. ... Une majorité de Français reste favorable à l'euro

Extreme wind feast concert singer invited Hokkaido Kyoto food reward

Extreme wind feast concert singer invited Hokkaido Kyoto food reward (Central News Agency Messaging Service 20111103 15:56:17) end of season, extreme wind Jiaosi offer classic feast! The end of October appointed Goodwill Ambassador of Japan Hokkaido - singer Miss infuriating, and gave them two named Big Taiwan and China's Hokkaido Kika your birds - red-crowned cranes to Taiwan Mucha Zoo, sent in gratitude for the warm end of the year, exclusive master Jiaosi Miss infuriating offer on November 2 and 3, two nights ...Extreme wind feast concert singer invited Hokkaido Kyoto food reward


通州标杆楼盘变形记 2010年通州崭新的城市定位为"国际新城"——成为"北京三个重点新城"之一。有人特此评价:通州之于北京的意义,如同曼哈顿之于纽约。在这一蓝图下,聚焦通州、加快新城建设无疑成为最引人注目的一笔。通州新城经过新一轮 ... 通州标杆楼盘变形记

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